Executive Assessment & Psychometrics

Disappointed with the usual approach to

Executive and High Potential Talent

that leaves your people cold?

We believe there is a different way


  We offer Executive, High Potential and other assessments that give both the organisation and the individual what they need.  Our world-class assessment is combined with development practices to support and grow individuals, and to leverage their strengths.

Our goal is to create a fantastically positive, career and business-enhancing experience for all involved, and to bring an end to assessment fatigue. We work with a broad range of tools and assessments, and here are a selection of those we are asked most frequently for. If you don't see what you are looking for, please do get in touch.

Executive Assessment

Executive Assessment & Benchmarking

Hogan is used by 75% of the Fortune 500 and has benchmark data from 180 countries. Unlike many other assessments it has been specifically developed for business. It’s a contemporary tool, utilising the latest thinking and science underpinning business performance. Over nine million individuals globally have used it as part of their development journey, and it offers organisations excellent benchmarking options for all levels including Senior Executives. We also offer Hogan with 360 feedback where appropriate.

High Potential Assessment

We work with the Hogan High Potential model to pin-point areas of strength and development in emerging leaders, and to target development focus (and investment) to fast-track their potential. We work with three pillars of leadership potential: leadership foundations, leadership emergence and leadership effectiveness. We have seen significant improvement in succession metrics for clients using this approach.

Emotional Intelligence

Executive and Senior Leader EI & Benchmarking

Our preferred tool for Executive Emotional Intelligence is the Talogy eip3. It takes a different approach to other EI profiles by also looking at the core attitudes level.  In our experience this can yield stronger, more sustainable results in terms of behavioural change and Executive performance. We have worked with this tool for over 15 years and also offer 1:1 coaching options around it.  The EIP can be combined with 360 degree feedback, where appropriate.

EI Across An Organisation

Our preferred tool for EI more broadly across an organisation, where there is a preference for the same tool across all populations, including different countries and cultures, is the Baron EQ-i 2.0. This approach builds a language of Emotional Intelligence across the business, and has excellent cultural testing and language options for Global organisations. The EQ-i 2.0 can also include 360 degree feedback, where appropriate.



Strengthscope is probably the most well-known strengths profile. Strengths are different to personality or emotional intelligence and are defined as the underlying qualities that energise us, and that we are great at (or have potential to become great at).  A strengths based approach can be used in recruitment, leadership development, performance management, coaching and team development. We've found it to be very powerful and positive.  Strengthscope can also be combined with 360 degree feedback, which works differently to other 360 feedback.  The report asks raters only to provide feedback on how often and how effectively you use your strengths. This can be a positive experience for those who have previously had a bad experience of 360 degree feedback.

Strengths Deployment Inventory

The Strengths Deployment Inventory 2.0 looks at strengths and underlying motives. We've found this particular strengths-based approach to be most powerful working with intact teams, and also when looking at sources of conflict.  It's a fantastic way of understanding more about what make different people 'tick', and we've even used it as the foundation to design of a game-changing conversations masterclass for Henley Business School.  Based on the research of Dr Elias Porter, SDI 2.0 is particularly useful to improve business relationships.

Leadership Climate

Leadership Climate Indicator (LCI)

This is the tool we've been most excited about in terms of innovation. It really brings something new to our data-driven approaches. Leadership Climate sits in the space between culture and employee engagement, and so this profile offers novel ways to improve and develop both, using the climate lens.  Culture is notoriously difficult to change, and leadership climate gives an easier access point starting with the climate that leaders create. Most organisations have 'done' employee engagement to death and are looking for new ways to approach it. The LCI helps leaders to 'be' more engaging, rather than 'doing' more engagement activities.  Leadership Climate works hand-in-hand with individual EI and can be combined with the eip3 profile for very powerful results. We have also used the Talogy (was PSi) LCI with great effect in leadership teams, and to address performance issues with individual leaders by giving them a clear path forwards. The LCI includes a 360 degree feedback element.

Team Based Approaches

Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)

MBTI remains a strong favourite with teams to help them understand difference as a foundation to high performance. In our MBTI team sessions we support individuals to understand their personality type, but focus the majority of our attention on what this means for communication, innovation, leadership and potential conflict within the group.  Our sessions use a considerable amount of experiential learning. Using MBTI we've had some profound breakthroughs in terms of team performance, most notably identifying innovation gaps that compromise performance.  MBTI's roots in conflict and appreciating difference make it as relevant today as it ever has been.

Belbin Team Roles

A team role is one of nine 'clusters' of behavioural attributes identified by Dr Meredith Belbin's research as being effective to facilitate team progress. In our workshops we explore the nine team roles, understand our own Belbin strengths and allowable weaknesses, and talk about this in the context of our team.  Belbin is a great way to develop teams, understand potential conflict and fine-tune performance. The workshops are fun, interactive, colourful and upbeat, and can also work well as a team building event.

360 Degree Feedback

Feedback for individuals and leaders

More than 85% of the Fortune 500 companies use some form of 360 degree feedback. In addition to the 360 degree options aligned to the tools listed above, we are able to provide stand-alone behavioural 360 degree feedback aligned for individuals and for leaders. This is benchmarked against the behaviours known to be required for high performance at different levels of the organisation. We use a range of tools, some of which can be fully customised. We can make a tailored recommendation based on what you are looking to achieve. We can also provide 1:1 developmental debriefs to individuals as part of the 360 degree feedback process.

HR Excellence Awards

Winner, Best Transformation Strategy

Psychometric & Data Driven Approaches

Data-driven insights as the basis of great conversations and learning.

Tammy is qualified to Masters level in Leadership Development and accredited by the British Psychological Society to administer both ability and personality testing. She is a highly experienced psychometric practitioner, career and Executive coach, and qualified mental health first aider. She holds accreditations in a number of well-known tools including Emotional Intelligence (EQi 2.0, EQi 360, EIP3, EIP3 360), the HOGAN Leadership Suite, MBTI, Team Effectiveness (various), Leadership Climate Indicator, DISC, 15FQ+, STRONG, Strengths Deployment Inventory (SDI), and the Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Inventory. She trained as a coach with one of the UK's leading coach training organisations, Barefoot, and is an accredited International Coaching Federation (ICF) Executive coach.  She brings insights and theories to life through experiential learning design, for example emotional intelligence working with horses (equine facilitated learning). 

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