With 20 years’ International experience we offer facilitation services for when senior leaders want to be part of the conversation, rather than leading it. We also offer a hybrid approach where we can blend the facilitation of the 'live' business or team challenge with new ideas, stimulus, consultancy and learning to get the group thinking differently.
Our facilitators all have extensive business experience, and so plenty to fall back on when things don’t quite go according to plan! We understand there is often a lot riding on getting a good outcome from the one day you have as a team and will work with you to get the right result, having a bit of fun along the way. Our write-up service for events we facilitate is also very popular.
We are expert in helping senior leaders to develop their strategy working with their teams. We have many high-profile examples of helping leaders to develop strategy, strategic priorities and execution plans, offering both challenge and support to the strategic thinking process. We can work at an overall organisational strategy or team/function strategy altitude. We are passionate about not developing strategy in isolation from stakeholders, to avoid the strategy-execution gap. Our strategy-on-a-page visualisation is something we are most asked for as part of a strategy development brief.
Additionally, senior leaders often need to create a variety of materials for their teams, stakeholders and beyond. We support our clients behind-the-scenes drafting some of their leadership communications and content when they simply don't have the time or headspace.
Our trusted advisor services are used by senior leaders wanting a higher level of direct input than Executive coaching. Tapping into 20 years+ of International Management Consulting experience to offer alternative thinking, options and perspectives on business and people challenges.
Often behind-the-scenes, our advisory and hands-on support services help time-poor senior leaders to tackle the live business challenges in front of them. We can add another senior, virtual team member for additional fire-power and bandwidth when you need it.
We support senior leaders (working alongside HR) through the hiring of important or significant new team members, especially when the stakes are high, and the risks need to be minimised. Our CEO clients trust us to assess candidates objectively using world-class psychometric approaches. But, more importantly, to turn the data into key insights for them, tailored to their business and own leadership style, and with clear recommendations and a way forward.
Our approach always involves a debrief conversation with the candidate and an opportunity to explore the results directly with them. Post-hire our management summaries also help our clients to get the best from their new direct-report as quickly as possible.
We've supported many of our senior leader clients to take their first steps into setting up their own consultancy and coaching businesses, and/or to make the transition to a NED portfolio.
With more than 20 years of experience of owning, running and starting successful consultancy and coaching businesses, we can mentor you through the process, offer support and challenge, help you avoid common pitfalls, and signpost you towards shortcuts and the providers you may need.
Leadership By Design Limited
E: office@leadershipbydesign.co.uk
Registered in England: 09602150
VAT Registration: 350 7510 22
Registered Office:
Boyes Turner, Abbotts House , Abbey Street,
Reading, Berkshire RG1 3BD, UK.