Bitesize Workshops & Content


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In Person and Live Virtual Leadership Learning

Our live learning content covers a large range of popular leadership topics. It's constantly kept current and fresh with the latest thinking and new research. It's been created as a direct result of our clients asking for 'better bitesize' that challenges both leaders thinking and action on key leadership themes, and goes beyond the usual  generic content on offer. If you don't see what you are looking for, please get in touch. For any topics specific to your organisation, we also offer a bespoke content and course design service.


Bitesize topics that give leaders a wider range of skills and behaviours

to take their own performance to the next level

These topics focus on increasing leader capability, or in other language 'horizontal' leadership development. This type of development is about enabling a leader to ‘do’ more in an organisation, with a broader skillset, toolset and experience. To use a metaphor, it's about filling up the glass. This type of development often features strongly during periods of upskilling and change.

Click on the bitesize image for further information (enable popups) or get in touch for more information.


Bitesize topics that help leaders to understand who they are, what they want,

 their leadership style, strengths, watch-outs and areas for development

These topics focus on increasing leader capacity, or in other language 'vertical' development. This type of development is about enabling a leader to ‘be’ more in an organisation. To use a metaphor, it's about making the glass bigger rather than filling it up (with more skills). It’s about creating an expanded inner world. This type of development creates firm foundations for sustainability, confidence, resilience and leading people and organisations.

Click on the bitesize image for further information (enable popups) or get in touch for more information.


Bitesize topics giving leaders the mindset, skillset and toolset to motivate, grow

and develop their teams and organisations

These topics focus on the organisational challenges and requirements leaders face on a day-to-day basis. This type of development is about supporting a leader to get their organisation, team and individuals performing at their best by mobilising and inspiring them.

Click on the bitesize image for further information (enable popups) or get in touch for more information.



Our bitesize topics are available as live virtual or in-person workshops, in a variety of different durations.  Our content is always highly interactive, featuring stimulus, videos, interactive exercises, narrated presentations, quizzes, practise sessions and take-away toolkits.


Our starting point is 80% core content, with 20% tailoring on our bitesize content.  We provide you with a course overview, and then work with you to finalise your editorial plan based on the learning needs of your people. Where amendments or additions to core content are required, we'll quantify this upfront.


All of our bitesize workshops and content is Leadership By Design branded, but can be easily rebranded according to your corporate guidelines for a small additional fee. We offer a white label content service and our graphic designers are experienced with working with brand teams.


We will provide a fixed-price quote for us to deliver the content to your people. Or, for our content-only service we have a simple pricing  model that means once your invoice is paid, you are able to use the content on an indefinite basis with any number of your people. This avoids complex licensing and copyright issues and provides the reassurance of a fixed-price solution.

Cohort-based live learning that challenges

leaders thinking and action on key leadership topics

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